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Conjugations for 一時的

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na adjective

Root Words:

[いち()·() + てき()]
ichiji + teki

English Meaning(s) for 一時的

na adjective
  1. temporary

Definition and Synonyms for 一時的

Probationary under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Synonyms: 一時的, 暫定的, 試験的
Fleeting lasting for a markedly brief time
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的
Temporary not permanent
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的, 対症的, 暫定的, 苟且
Passing lasting a very short time
Synonyms: はかない, 一時的, 刹那的, 短命
Temporary not lasting
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的, 対症的, 暫定的, 苟且

Meanings for each kanji in 一時的

» one; one radical (no.1)
» time; hour
» bull's eye; mark; target; object; adjective ending

Stroke Order Diagrams for 一時的

Sample Sentences for 一時的

He became temporarily deranged.
This arrangement is only temporary.
The apple appeased my hunger temporarily.
He was laid off until there was more work to do.
The banker's pay cut was temporary, not permanent.

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