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na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 静か

na adjective
  1. quiet; silent
  2. slow; unhurried
  3. calm; peaceful

Definition and Synonyms for 静か

Quiet characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity
Synonyms: のどか, 安穏, 平穏, 平静, 穏やか, 落ち着く, 落ち着いた, 静か, 静穏
Still free from noticeable current
Synonyms: 静か
Subdued in a softened tone
Synonyms: 抑える, 静か
Peaceable not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war
Synonyms: のどか, 太平, 安い, 安らか, 安泰, 安穏, 寧静, 平らか, 平和, 平和, 平和的, 平穏, 平静, 無事, 無為, 穏便, 長閑やか, 静か, 静穏, 静謐
Restrained not showy or obtrusive
Synonyms: 静か
Smooth (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
Synonyms: 穏やか, 静か, 静穏
Quiet free of noise or uproar
Synonyms: 密やか, 粛然, 閑静, 静か, 静寂, 静粛
Soundless marked by absence of sound
Synonyms: 寂静, 密やか, 物静か, 粛然, 閑寂, 静か, 静寂, 静粛
Quiet or making little if any sound
Synonyms: 密やか, 粛然, 閑静, 静か, 静寂, 静粛

Meanings for each kanji in 静か

» quiet

Stroke Order Diagrams for 静か

Sample Sentences for 静か

Fred's agitation has now subsided, and he's sleeping peacefully.
You must keep quiet for a few days.
She prefers quiet music.
Be quiet at the table.
Please be quiet for mercy's sake during the lesson.

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