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Our Ramen Journey Begins!

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Our Ramen Journey Begins!

Posted by flint over 6 years ago

The Ramen Phenomenon

If you have made it to this page, thank you for joining us.  This will be just a short introduction on what to expect from this blog, hopefully there will be enough here to interest you to follow this blog as I continue to post in the coming months on something I am extremely passionate on, Ramen!

Ramen truly is a cultural phenomenon.  In Japan there is over 24,000 ramen shops, with more 5,000 shops in Tokyo alone, numerous magazines guides, and tv series to help you find the best ramen places, with different regions of Japan developing their own specialised flavours.  Worldwide over 100 billion servings of instant ramen are slurped down every year!

In this blog, we will explore the history of ramen and learn some Japanese words and phrases related to ramen, learn how to order ramen at a Japanese restaurant, all in a fun and educational way.  We will look at some of the cultural trends with ramen and understand the regional differences and flavours of ramen.  We will even make some ramen!  Most importantly though, we will eat lots and lots of ramen.

If that doesn't get your mouth salivating, then browse through the following photos of this most delicous subject all taken at various ramen shops with Japan.  How many can you recognise?

Kamadare Tonkotsu Ramen at Ichiran Tenjin, Fukuoka
#Kamadare Tonkotsu Ramen@一蘭 天神西通り店
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen at Shin Shin, Tenjin, Fukuoka
#Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen@博多らーめん ShinShin 天神本店
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen at Ichiran, Nakasu Kawabata, Fukuoka
#Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen@一蘭 本社総本店
Kyoto Torigara Tonkotsu Ramen at Yottekoya Ebisu, Tokyo
#Kyoto Torigara Tonkotsu Ramen@よってこや 恵比寿本店
Ebi Miso Ramen at Ramen Toguchi, Sapporo
#Ebi Miso Ramen@らー麺 とぐち 南3条店
Miso Ramen at Ramen Toguchi, Sapporo
#Miso Ramen@らー麺 とぐち 南3条店
Naniwa Tonkotsu Ramen at Ramen Shitenou Dotonbori, Osaka
#Naniwa Tonkotsu Ramen@ラーメン四天王 道頓堀店
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen at Shodai Hidechan, Ramen Stadium, Fukuoka
#Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen@初代秀ちゃん | ラーメンスタジアム
Kurume Tonkotsu Ramen at Kurume Honda Shoten, Ramen Stadium, Fukuoka
#Kurume Tonkotsu Ramen@久留米 本田商店 | ラーメンスタジアム


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