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Conjugations for 辛い

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suffix, i adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 辛い

suffix, i adjective
  1. difficult to ...; hard to ... (after -masu stem of verb)

Definition and Synonyms for 辛い

Spiciness the property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, 辛い, 辛味
Bad feeling physical discomfort or pain
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 不快, 気持ち悪い, 苦しい, 辛い
Irritating causing physical discomfort
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Badness used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather
Synonyms: えらい, つらい, つらさ, づらい, にくい, まずい, こっぴどい, 厳しい, 厳しさ, 悪い, 悪さ, 憎い, 手ひどい, 手痛い, 苛烈, 辛い
Asperity something hard to endure
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, こっぴどい, 厳い, 厳しい, 厳しさ, 手ひどい, 手厳しい, 手痛い, 苛烈, 辛い
Painfulness emotional distress
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, 憂苦, 痛み, 痛む, 痛苦, , 苦い, 苦しい, 苦しさ, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦悩, 苦痛, 辛い
Pestle grind, mash or pulverize in a mortar
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Rugged very difficult
Synonyms: タフ, きつい, つらい, づらい, 厳しい, 困難, 辛い
Hard characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
Synonyms: きつい, つらい, づらい, ハード, ヘビー, ヘヴィ, しんどい, 困難, 大変, 懸命, 苦しい, 辛い, 重たい, 難しい
Jab strike or punch with quick and short blows
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Painful causing physical or psychological pain
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 切ない, 心苦しい, 悩ましげ, 痛い, 苦い, 苦しい, 辛い
Hype Up get excited or stimulated
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Sore causing misery or pain or distress
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 切ない, 心苦しい, 悲しい, 悲壮, 痛い, 苦しい, 辛い
Piquant engagingly stimulating or provocative
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, , , 辛い
Hot producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, ぴりっとくる, 辛い
Savory having an agreeably pungent taste
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Pungent strong and sharp
Synonyms: えぐい, つらい, づらい, いがらっぽい, え辛い, 辛い
Salty one of the four basic taste sensations
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Suffering feelings of mental or physical pain
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, 四苦八苦, 困難, 悩み, 悩む, 疾苦, 痛み, 痛む, 艱苦, , 苦い, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦患, 苦悩, 苦痛, 苦衷, 辛い, 辛酸
Acerbity a rough and bitter manner
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, 辛い, 辛辣
Pungency a strong odor or taste property
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, 辛い
Rugged severely testing stamina or resolution
Synonyms: タフ, きつい, つらい, づらい, 厳しい, 困難, 辛い
Painfulness a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid
Synonyms: つらい, つらさ, づらい, 憂苦, 痛み, 痛む, 痛苦, , 苦い, 苦しい, 苦しさ, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦悩, 苦痛, 辛い
Salty like the taste of sea water
Synonyms: つらい, づらい, 辛い
Hard especially physical effort
Synonyms: きつい, つらい, づらい, ハード, ヘビー, ヘヴィ, しんどい, 困難, 大変, 懸命, 苦しい, 辛い, 重たい, 難しい

Meanings for each kanji in 辛い

» spicy; bitter; hot; acrid

Categories 辛い is a member of

Grind reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading
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Strike deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
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Rouse cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
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Difficulty the quality of being difficult
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Taste Property a property appreciated via the sense of taste
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Feeling the experiencing of affective and emotional states
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Painfulness emotional distress
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Disagreeableness an ill-tempered and offensive disposition
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Intensiveness high level or degree
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Spiciness the property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 辛い

Conjugations for 辛い

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 辛い

Too many demonstrative pronouns; bluntly, that couldn't be harder to understand.

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