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Conjugations for おしゃべり

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noun, suru verb, na adjective

Alternate Written Forms:


Root Words:

o + shaberi

English Meaning(s) for おしゃべり

noun, suru verb
  1. chattering; talk; idle talk; chat; chitchat; gossip
na adjective, noun
  1. chatty; talkative; chatterbox; blabbermouth

Definition and Synonyms for おしゃべり

Blabbermouth someone who gossips indiscreetly
Synonyms: おしゃべり
Speak exchange thoughts
Synonyms: おしゃべり, くっちゃべる, 対話, 対語, 対談, 話す, 談話
Chatter talk socially without exchanging too much information
Synonyms: だべる, さえずる, おしゃべり, くっちゃべる, 歓談, 語らう, 語り合う, 談笑, 閑話, 閑談, 雑話, 雑談
Schmooze an informal conversation
Synonyms: しゃべり, しゃべる, チャット, おしゃべり
Yakety-Yak noisy talk
Synonyms: ヤク, おしゃべり
Talk discussion
Synonyms: トーク, しゃべり, しゃべる, おしゃべり, 会話, , , 話す, 語らい, 語らう, , 談話
Loquacious full of trivial conversation
Synonyms: おしゃべり, 口喧しい, 口忠実, 口軽, 多弁, 能弁, 饒舌
Tittle-Tattle light informal conversation for social occasions
Synonyms: ゴシップ, おしゃべり, 世間話, 雑談
Chatterbox an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
Synonyms: おしゃべり
Speak talk with
Synonyms: おしゃべり, くっちゃべる, 対話, 対語, 対談, 話す, 談話

Categories おしゃべり is a member of

Communicate transmit thoughts or feelings
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Converse carry on a conversation
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Conversation the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.
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Talk an exchange of ideas via conversation
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Discussion an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic
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Rumourmonger a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others
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Schmooze an informal conversation
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Talker someone who expresses in language
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Stroke Order Diagrams for おしゃべり

Sample Sentences for おしゃべり

Cut the talking and listen.
Mabel loves to chew the fat while playing bridge.
Hardly had the teacher entered the room when we stopped chatting.
I cannot continue my class with you chattering to one another.
Don't talk in the classroom.

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