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Conjugations for 灑落

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na adjective, noun

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English Meaning(s) for 灑落

na adjective, noun
  1. free and easy; open-hearted; relaxed; not fussy; frank

Definition and Synonyms for 灑落

Punning a humorous play on words
Synonyms: 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る, 通言
Suavely with suavity
Synonyms: 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る
Foppish affecting extreme elegance in dress and manner
Synonyms: ダンディ, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る
Fashionable being or in accordance with current social fashions
Synonyms: シック, おしゃれ, ハイカラ, スタイリッシュ, ファッショナブル, 今めかしい, 小粋, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落た, 洒落る, 瀟洒
Dashing marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
Synonyms: 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る
Cultivated marked by refinement in taste and manners
Synonyms: たわやか, 恭しい, 慇懃, 折り目正しい, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る, 礼儀正しい, 雅馴, 風雅
Finery elaborate or showy attire and accessories
Synonyms: 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る
Crack witty remark
Synonyms: 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る
Humour a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
Synonyms: とんち, ウイット, エスプリ, ユーモア, ヒューモア, 機知, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る, 諧謔
Laugh a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter
Synonyms: ギャグ, ジョーク, 冗談, , 戯る, 戯れ, 戯れる, 戯言, 戯言, 戯れ言, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る, おどけ話, 諧謔, 道化, 道化る
Suavely in a suave manner
Synonyms: 洒落, 洒落, 洒落, 洒落る

Meanings for each kanji in 灑落

» sprinkle; wash; free and easy
» fall; drop; come down

Categories 灑落 is a member of

Attire clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
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Substance what a communication that is about something is about
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Remark a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information
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Humour a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
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Fun verbal wit or mockery (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously)
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