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Conjugations for ぐずぐず

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adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb, na adjective

Alternate Written Forms:


Root Words:

guzu + guzu

English Meaning(s) for ぐずぐず

adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb
  1. slowly; tardily; dawdling; lingering; hesitantly
  1. complaining; grumbling
adverb, suru verb
  1. unsettled (e.g. weather)
na adjective
  1. loose; slackened

Definition and Synonyms for ぐずぐず

Snivel snuff up mucus through the nose
Synonyms: ぐずぐず
Slowly without speed
Synonyms: のそり, やおら, ゆらり, ゆるり, ぐずぐず, じんわり, そろそろ, のそのそ, のっそり, のろのろ, もたもた, ゆっくり, ゆったり, ゆるゆる, ジワジワ, おもむろに, 寛緩, 徐々, 徐々に, 悠々, 緩徐, 遅々
Drag One'S Feet postpone doing what one should be doing
Synonyms: ぐずぐず, 伸ばす, 先延ばし, 躊躇, 逡巡

Categories ぐずぐず is a member of

Inhale draw in (air)
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Delay act later than planned, scheduled, or required
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Stroke Order Diagrams for ぐずぐず

Sample Sentences for ぐずぐず

The delay forced us to stay overnight in an expensive hotel.
I can afford no further delay.
There is no time to lose.
Hurry up. We've little time to waste.
He is complaining about something or other all the time.

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