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Conjugations for 先制

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noun, suru verb, no adjective

English Meaning(s) for 先制

noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. head start; initiative; preemption

Definition and Synonyms for 先制

Leading Astray the act of enticing others into sinful ways
Synonyms: 先制
First Strike the initial use of nuclear weapons to attack a country that also has nuclear weapons
Synonyms: 先制
Anticipate act in advance of
Synonyms: 先んじる, 先んずる, 先制, 先取り, 先回り, 出し抜く, 抜け駆け
First Strike considered feasible only when the attacker can destroy the other country's ability to retaliate
Synonyms: 先制
Anticipate deal with ahead of time
Synonyms: 先んじる, 先んずる, 先制, 先取り, 先回り, 出し抜く, 抜け駆け

Meanings for each kanji in 先制

» before; ahead; previous; future; precedence
» system; law; rule

Categories 先制 is a member of

Enticement the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire
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Strike an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective
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Act perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 先制

Sample Sentences for 先制

The first blow is half the battle.
You know the basics of combat? It’s a preemptive strike.
The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

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