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Conjugations for 不合理

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na adjective, noun

Root Words:

[() + ごう()·()]
fu + gouri

English Meaning(s) for 不合理

na adjective, noun
  1. irrational; illogical; unreasonable; absurd; inconsistent

Definition and Synonyms for 不合理

Absurd inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense
Synonyms: 不合理, 非常識
Irrational not consistent with or using reason
Synonyms: 不合理, 不条理, 理不尽, 非合理, 非論理的
Inconsistent not capable of being made consistent or harmonious
Synonyms: ちぐはぐ, とんちんかん, 不合理, 不定, 不揃い, 不統一, つじつまの合わない, 支離滅裂
Ridiculous incongruous
Synonyms: あほ, ばか, わや, めちゃ, わやく, おかしい, べらぼう, めっちゃ, アホくさい, おこがましい, とんちんかん, ばかばかしい, むちゃくちゃ, めちゃくちゃ, めちゃめちゃ, 不合理, 滑稽, 無茶, 理不尽, 筋交い, 筋違い, 荒唐, 荒唐無稽, 荒誕, 阿呆らしい, 非常識, 馬鹿げた, 馬鹿げる, 馬鹿らしい, 馬鹿臭い
Contradiction a statement that is necessarily false
Synonyms: とんちんかん, 不合理, 抵触, 撞着, 矛盾, 矛盾撞着, 背反, 背馳
Illogicality invalid or incorrect reasoning
Synonyms: 不合理, 非合理
Absurdness a message whose content is at variance with reason
Synonyms: めちゃ, めっちゃ, ばかばかしい, めちゃくちゃ, 不合理, 不条理, 不道理, 無茶, 背理
Ridiculous inviting ridicule
Synonyms: あほ, ばか, わや, めちゃ, わやく, おかしい, べらぼう, めっちゃ, アホくさい, おこがましい, とんちんかん, ばかばかしい, むちゃくちゃ, めちゃくちゃ, めちゃめちゃ, 不合理, 滑稽, 無茶, 理不尽, 筋交い, 筋違い, 荒唐, 荒唐無稽, 荒誕, 阿呆らしい, 非常識, 馬鹿げた, 馬鹿げる, 馬鹿らしい, 馬鹿臭い

Meanings for each kanji in 不合理

» negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy
» fit; suit; join; 0.1
» logic; arrangement; reason; justice; truth

Categories 不合理 is a member of

Quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
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Meaninglessness a message that seems to convey no meaning
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Falsity a false statement
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 不合理

Sample Sentences for 不合理

It's absurd never to admit your mistakes.

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