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i adjective

Matched Conjugations:

Negative te-form

English Meaning(s) for 低くなくて

i adjective
  1. low (rank, degree, value, content, quality, etc.)
  2. low (position); close to the ground
  3. short (height)
  4. deep (voice); in a low key; low (volume)
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the negative te-form form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 低くなくて

Low literal meanings
Synonyms: 低い
Poor not sufficient to meet a need
Synonyms: 不十分, 不足, 低い, 貧しい
Humble low or inferior in station or quality
Synonyms: ちんけ, ささやか, ささやく, しがない, ちっちゃい, はしたない, 下劣, 下等, 下等, 下賎, 些細, 低い, 卑しい, 卑俗, 卑劣, 卑賎, 取るに足りない, 小さい, 汚い, 粗末, 薄い, 貧寒, 貧賎, 質素, 陋劣
Little low in stature
Synonyms: ちび, ちっこい, ちっちゃい, ちんちくりん, 低い, 小さ, 小さい, 短い
Low in a low position
Synonyms: 低い
Low-Lying having a small elevation above the ground or horizon or sea level
Synonyms: 低い
Low less than normal in degree or intensity or amount
Synonyms: 低い
Low used of sounds and voices
Synonyms: 低い
Deep having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range
Synonyms: 低い, 太い, 野太い
Low very low in volume
Synonyms: ちっちゃい, 低い, 小さい
Humble of low birth or station
Synonyms: 下賎, 低い, 卑しい
Humiliated subdued or brought low in condition or status
Synonyms: 低い
Low being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension
Synonyms: 低い
Little not tall
Synonyms: ちび, ちっこい, ちっちゃい, ちんちくりん, 低い, 小さ, 小さい, 短い
Low near the ground
Synonyms: 低い
Low low in pitch or frequency
Synonyms: 低い

Meanings for each kanji in 低くなくて

» lower; short; humble

Stroke Order Diagrams for 低くなくて

Conjugations for 低くなくて

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Comments for 低くなくて

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