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no adjective, na adjective, noun

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English Meaning(s) for 苟且

no adjective, na adjective, noun
  1. temporary; transient (gikun for 苟且)
  2. trifling; slight; negligent

Definition and Synonyms for 苟且

Temporary not permanent
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的, 対症的, 暫定的, 苟且
Fleeting lasting for a markedly brief time
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的
Triviality a detail that is considered insignificant
Synonyms: かりそめ, こじつけ, こじつける, 些事
Negligence failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
Synonyms: かりそめ, なおざり, ネグレクト, 不始末, 不注意, 不行き届き, 不覚, 失着, 怠慢, 油断, 無視, 過怠
Small Beer something of small importance
Synonyms: かりそめ, 些事
Neglect lack of attention and due care
Synonyms: かりそめ, なおざり, ゆるがせ, ないがしろ, 不行き届き, , 緩怠, 苟且, 軽視, 閑却
Temporary not lasting
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的, 対症的, 暫定的, 苟且

Meanings for each kanji in 苟且

» any; at all; in the least
» moreover; also; furthermore

Categories 苟且 is a member of

Physical Object a tangible and visible entity
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Inattention lack of attention
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Point an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole
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Nonaccomplishment an act that does not achieve its intended goal
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 苟且

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