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adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb

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English Meaning(s) for チカチカ

adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb
  1. flickering; flashing on and off; twinkling; glittering
  2. glaringly (bright); painfully (bright)
  3. prickling (pain)

Definition and Synonyms for チカチカ

Prickling a somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles
Synonyms: チカチカ
Twinkle gleam or glow intermittently
Synonyms: きらきら, きらめく, チカチカ, 明滅, 耀う, 輝く
Spark emit or produce sparks
Synonyms: かげろう, きらきら, きらめく, ひらめく, スパーク, チカチカ, ピカピカ光る, 光る, 光り輝く, 耀う, 輝く

Categories チカチカ is a member of

Somatesthesia the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations
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Radiate cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays
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Give Off give off, send forth, or discharge
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Stroke Order Diagrams for チカチカ

Sample Sentences for チカチカ

My eyes feel irritated.
The picture on this TV is no good. It keeps flickering.
This fluorescent lamp is starting to flicker. We'll have to replace it.

Comments for チカチカ

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