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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 統制

noun, suru verb
  1. regulation; control

Definition and Synonyms for 統制

Control a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another
Synonyms: コントロール, 制圧, 制御, 制止, 取り締まり, 取り締まる, 手綱, 抑え, 抑制, 抑止, 押さえる, 拘束, 掣肘, 操作, 操縦, 支配, 治世, 監督, 管制, 管理, 管轄, 統制, 統御, 統括, 総監, 総締め, 総轄, 総領, 総領, 規制
Integrate make into a whole or make part of a whole
Synonyms: 一体化, 取り入る, 取り入れる, 取り込む, 合体, 合併, 合同, 含む, 含める, 盛り込む, 組み入れる, 組み込む, 統べる, 統制, 統合, 統括, 総合
Control the activity of managing or exerting control over something
Synonyms: コントロール, 制御, 管理, 統制
Regulating the act of controlling or directing according to rule
Synonyms: 統制
Coordination the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation
Synonyms: コーディネーション, 統一, 統制, 総合, 調整
Integration the act of combining into an integral whole
Synonyms: インテグレーション, 一体化, 一本化, 併呑, 合併, 合同, 整理統合, 統一, 統制, 統合, 統合化, 統廃合, 総合
Control exercise authoritative control or power over
Synonyms: コントロール, 司る, 御する, 統べる, 統制, 統御, 統括
Govern bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage
Synonyms: 律する, 管する, 管理, 統制, 規制, 規定, 規律, 規正
Consolidate unite into one
Synonyms: まとめる, 一元管理, 合邦, 強化, 統べる, 統一, 統制, 融和
Unity the quality of being united into one
Synonyms: まとまり, まとまる, ユニティー, 兼併, 合一, 統一, 統制, 纏る, 纏わる, 連合
Restraint discipline in personal and social activities
Synonyms: コントロール, 制御, 抑え, 抑制, 押さえる, 監督, 節度, 統制, 統御, 規制, 規律
Control the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.
Synonyms: とかく, コントロール, 制圧, 制球, 制球力, 司令, 左右, 掣肘, 操縦, 支配, 束ね, 束ねる, 管制, 管理, 統制, 統括, 総覧, 調節
Govern impose regulations
Synonyms: 律する, 管する, 管理, 統制, 規制, 規定, 規律, 規正

Meanings for each kanji in 統制

» overall; relationship; ruling; governing
» system; law; rule

Categories 統制 is a member of

Relation an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
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Unite become one
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Combination the act of combining things to form a new whole
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Activity any specific behavior
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Decide reach, make, or come to a decision about something
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Control the activity of managing or exerting control over something
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Combine combine so as to form a whole
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Indistinguishability exact sameness
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Discipline the trait of being well behaved
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Economic Policy a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues
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Timing the regulation of occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve a desired effect (as in music, theater, athletics, mechanics)
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 統制

Sample Sentences for 統制

Rice prices are regulated by the government.
In the early part of my study, I allude to work that had already been done on the psychology of crowd-control.
In that country the government controls prices.
The captain controls the whole ship.
The government lifted price controls.

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