Romaji Hide
Definition and Synonyms for 床ずれ
1. |
床擦れ |
長期間圧力を加えることによって生じる皮膚の慢性的潰瘍(寝たきり患者の場合のように) |
Bedsore |
a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients) |
Synonyms: |
床ずれ |
Meanings for each kanji in 床ずれ
» |
床 |
bed; counter for beds; floor; padding; tatami |
Categories 床ずれ is a member of
1. |
潰瘍化 |
皮膚の制限された炎症性でしばしば化膿している病変または組織の壊死をもたらす内部の粘膜表面面 |
Ulcer |
a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue |
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