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godan verb, transitive verb

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Matched Conjugations:

Tai Conditional Form

English Meaning(s) for 思いたかったら

godan verb, transitive verb
  1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon (想う has connotations of heart-felt)
  2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
  3. to judge; to assess; to regard
  4. to imagine; to suppose; to dream
  5. to expect; to look forward to
  6. to feel; to be (in a state of mind); to desire; to want
  7. to recall; to remember
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the tai conditional form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 思いたかったら

Unexpected not expected or anticipated
Synonyms: ひょんな, もってのほか, 不意, 予想外, 予期しない, 出し抜く, 出し抜け, 心外, 思う, 思わぬ, 思いがけない, 思いもよらない, 意外, 意想外, 慮外
Feel be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state
Synonyms: 催す, 思う, 感じる, 感ずる, 自覚, 覚える
Want a specific feeling of desire
Synonyms: , 希望, 庶幾, 志望, 志願, 念願, 思い, 思う, 所願, , 望み, 望む, , 欲望, 欲求, 要望, , 願い, 願う, 願望
Longing prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
Synonyms: 切望, 志望, 念願, 思い, 思う, 思慕, 想望, 慕情, 憧れ, 憧れる, 憧憬, 所望, 望み, 望む, 欲望, 欲求, 渇き, 渇く, 熱望, 願い, 願う, 願望
Grudge a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation
Synonyms: うらむ, 思い, 思う, 怨念, 怨恨, 怨讐, 恨み, 恨む, 意趣遺恨, 私怨, 遺恨, 鬱憤
Venom feeling a need to see others suffer
Synonyms: うらむ, 害心, 害意, 思い, 思う, 怨念, 恨み, 恨む, 悪げ, 悪念, 悪意, 悪気, 悪気, 意地悪, 意地悪い, 意趣, 意趣遺恨, 毒気, 犯意, 賊心, 遺恨, 邪悪, 邪気, 醜悪
Desire something that is desired
Synonyms: デザイア, 志望, 志願, , 思い, 思う, 意欲, 愛欲, 憧れ, 憧れる, 所望, 望み, 望む, , 欲望, 欲求, 色気, 願い, 願う, 願望
Expectation anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
Synonyms: あて, 予想, 予期, 予測, , , 当てる, 心づもり, 思い, 思う, 思惑, 思惑, 期待, 目算, 見越し, 見越す, 見込み, 見込む
Anamnesis the ability to recall past occurrences
Synonyms: さとり, 思う, 物覚え, 覚え, 覚える, 記憶力
Retention the power of retaining and recalling past experience
Synonyms: さとり, 思う, 物覚え, 覚え, 覚える, 記憶力
Accidentally without intention
Synonyms: たま, つい, ふと, ふいと, ふっと, たまさか, たまたま, たまたま, ついつい, ひょいと, なんとなく, ゆくりなく, 何気ない, 何気なく, , 偶然, 偶発的, 図らずも, 思う, 思わず, 思いがけず
Unconsciously without awareness
Synonyms: つい, ついつい, 思う, 思わず, 我にもなく, 我知らず, 知らず知らず, 覚えず, 覚える
Feeling the experiencing of affective and emotional states
Synonyms: フィーリング, 心地, 心持ち, 心緒, , 思い, 思う, , , 感じ, 感じる, 感ずる, 感情, 気分, 気味, 気味, 気味, 気持ち, 気色, 気色, 芯地
Con commit to memory
Synonyms: 思う, 暗記, 覚える, 覚えこむ, 記憶
Remember recall knowledge from memory
Synonyms: しのぶ, 呼び起こす, 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思う, 思いつく, 思い出す, 思い回す, 思い浮かぶ, 思い浮かべる, 思い起こす, 思い返す, 想起, 追憶, 追懐
Remember keep in mind for attention or consideration
Synonyms: 思う, 思い起こす, 覚える, 記憶
Remember recapture the past
Synonyms: しのぶ, 回想, 思う, 思い出す, 思い当たる, 思い浮かぶ, 思い浮かべる, 思い起こす, 思い返す, 想起
Remember exercise, or have the power of, memory
Synonyms: しのぶ, 思う, 思い出す, 想起, 覚える
Cerebrate use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
Synonyms: 存じる, 存ずる, 存じ上げる, 思う, 思し召す, 思念, 思惟, 思料, 思案, 思索, 思考, 考える
Think have or formulate in the mind
Synonyms: 思う
Suppose expect, believe, or suppose
Synonyms: にらむ, 思う, 想像, 想定, 想察, 推測, 推知, 推量, 推し量る, 積もる, 端倪
Presume take to be the case or to be true
Synonyms: みる, にらむ, みなす, 仮定, 仮想, 仮設, 存じ上げる, 思う, 想定, 推す, 推定, 推測, 推算, 推し量る, 決め込む, 考える, 計る
Hypothesise to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
Synonyms: みなす, 予測, 仮定, 仮想, 仮設, 忖度, 思う, 恐察, 想像, 想定, 想察, 憶断, 憶測, 推す, 推定, 推察, 推測, 推知, 推論, 推量, 推し量る, 措定, 決め込む, 臆度, 賢察, 類推
Doubt consider unlikely or have doubts about
Synonyms: 不審がる, 思う, 怪しむ, 怪訝, 懐疑, 狐疑, 疑う, 疑る, 訝る, 訝しむ
Conceive judge or regard
Synonyms: 思う, 考える
Feel have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude
Synonyms: 思う, 感じる, 感ずる, 感取, 感じ取る, 自覚
View deem to be
Synonyms: 思う, 考える
Hold keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
Synonyms: みなす, 思う, 考える
Look Back look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events)
Synonyms: 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思う, 思い返す, 振り替える, 振り返る, 追憶, 追懐, 顧みる
Contemplate consider as a possibility
Synonyms: 企てる, 図る, 思う, 思い見る, 思議, 慮る, 考える, 観じる, 観ずる
Intend have in mind as a purpose
Synonyms: 企てる, 心づもり, 思う, 意図, 考える
Find come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds
Synonyms: わかる, 嗅ぎ出す, 嗅ぎ取る, 察する, 思う, 感じる, 感ずる, 感づく, 感取, 感じ取る, 感触, 看取, 知る, 見出す, 見受ける, 覚える
Believe be confident about something
Synonyms: 信じる, 信ずる, 思う
Think focus one's attention on a certain state
Synonyms: 思う, 考える
Think About have on one's mind, think about actively
Synonyms: 思う, 思いやる, 考える
Wish make or express a wish
Synonyms: 希望, 志望, 念じる, 念ずる, 念願, 思う, 所望, 望む, 祈る, 要望, 願う, 願望
Suspect imagine to be the case or true or probable
Synonyms: 勘ぐる, 思う, 怪しむ, 恐察, 拝察, 推察, 推測, 推量, 推し量る, 疑う, 疑る, 訝る, 訝しむ
Experience undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Synonyms: うける, 催す, 味わう, 思う, 感じる, 感ずる, 抱く, 抱く, 抱く, 覚える
Love be enamored or in love with
Synonyms: よく, いとしむ, いとおしむ, いとおしがる, 傾慕, 好く, 思う, 恋する, 恋愛, 恋慕, 恋い慕う, 恋着, 惚れ込む, 惜しむ, 愛す, 愛する, 愛しがる, 愛寵, 愛慕, 慕う, 良い
Hope be optimistic
Synonyms: 嘱する, 希う, 希望, 庶幾, 念じる, 念願, 思う, 望む, 期待, 祈る, 願う
Desire feel or have a desire for
Synonyms: 希望, 希求, 志望, 念願, 思う, 所望, 望む, 欲する, 欲しがる, 欲求, 求む, 求める, 願う, 願望
Sense perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
Synonyms: 思う, 感じる, 感ずる, 感取, 感じ取る, 感受, 感知, 知覚, 覚える
Appear give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
Synonyms: 思う, 思える, 思われる, 見える, 見える
Feel produce a certain impression
Synonyms: 催す, 思う, 感じる, 感ずる, 覚える, 触る
Appear seem to be true, probable, or apparent
Synonyms: らしい, 思う, 思える, 思われる, 見える, 見える
Heart an inclination or tendency of a certain kind
Synonyms: , 心肝, 思い, 思う, , , 意気, , , , 気持ち
Desire an inclination to want things
Synonyms: 希望, 希求, 志望, , 念願, 思い, 思う, 意欲, 所望, 所願, , 望み, 望む, , 欲念, 欲求, 願い, 願う, 願望
Idea a personal view
Synonyms: 了見, 思い, 思う, 想念, 意中
Sentiment tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion
Synonyms: センチメント, 心地, 心情, 思い, 思う, 情感, 情緒, 情調, 感じ, 感じる, 感ずる, 感傷, 感情, 気分, 気味, 気味, 気味, 気持ち, 胸懐, 胸間, 芯地
Desire want strongly
Synonyms: 希望, 希求, 志望, 念願, 思う, 所望, 望む, 欲する, 欲しがる, 欲求, 求む, 求める, 願う, 願望
Accidentally in an unintentional manner
Synonyms: たま, つい, ふと, ふいと, ふっと, たまさか, たまたま, たまたま, ついつい, ひょいと, なんとなく, ゆくりなく, 何気ない, 何気なく, , 偶然, 偶発的, 図らずも, 思う, 思わず, 思いがけず
Remember have a recollection
Synonyms: しのぶ, 呼び起こす, 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思う, 思いつく, 思い出す, 思い回す, 思い浮かぶ, 思い浮かべる, 思い起こす, 思い返す, 想起, 追憶, 追懐
Presume accept without verification or proof
Synonyms: みる, にらむ, みなす, 仮定, 仮想, 仮設, 存じ上げる, 思う, 想定, 推す, 推定, 推測, 推算, 推し量る, 決め込む, 考える, 計る
Conceive look upon
Synonyms: 思う, 考える
Con learn by heart
Synonyms: 思う, 暗記, 覚える, 覚えこむ, 記憶
Remember indulge in memories
Synonyms: しのぶ, 回想, 思う, 思い出す, 思い当たる, 思い浮かぶ, 思い浮かべる, 思い起こす, 思い返す, 想起
Hope be full of hope
Synonyms: 嘱する, 希う, 希望, 庶幾, 念じる, 念願, 思う, 望む, 期待, 祈る, 願う
Look Back remember
Synonyms: 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思う, 思い返す, 振り替える, 振り返る, 追憶, 追懐, 顧みる
Hope have hopes
Synonyms: 嘱する, 希う, 希望, 庶幾, 念じる, 念願, 思う, 望む, 期待, 祈る, 願う
Conceive judge
Synonyms: 思う, 考える

Meanings for each kanji in 思いたかったら

» think

Categories 思いたかったら is a member of

State the way something is with respect to its main attributes
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Feeling the experiencing of affective and emotional states
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Study learn by reading books
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Remember recapture the past
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Cerebrate use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
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Reason Out decide by reasoning
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Judge form a critical opinion of
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Disbelieve reject as false
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Conceive judge or regard
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View deem to be
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Tie In make a logical or causal connection
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Anticipate regard something as probable or likely
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Rivet direct one's attention on something
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Deal take into consideration for exemplifying purposes
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Venture put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation
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Utter articulate
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Love have a great affection or liking for
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Desire feel or have a desire for
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Perceive to become aware of through the senses
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Appear give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
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Be have the quality of being
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Temperament your usual mood
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Inclination a characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect
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View a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
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Desire the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
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Gall a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
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Malevolence wishing evil to others
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Arousal a state of heightened physiological activity
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Hopefulness full of hope
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Retention the power of retaining and recalling past experience
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Module one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 思いたかったら

Conjugations for 思いたかったら

masu stem
Negative stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Negative Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Presumptive Form
Polite Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Presumptive Form
Tai Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Provisional Form
Provisional Negative Form
Conditional Form
Conditional Negative Form
Objective Form
Imperative Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Imperative Polite Form
Present Indicative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Alternative Form
Present Indicative Form
Potential Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Negative te-form
Potential Polite Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Passive Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
masu stem
Negative te-form
Passive Polite Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Causative Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
masu stem
Negative te-form
Causative Polite Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
masu stem
Negative te-form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Colloquial Form
Present Indicative Negative Masculine Form
Formal Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Classical Form (nu)
Present Indicative Negative Form
Classical Form (zaru)
Present Indicative Negative Form

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