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Entry Details for さぞかし

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English Meaning(s) for さぞかし

  1. certainly; surely

Definition and Synonyms for さぞかし

So in truth (often tends to intensify)
Synonyms: さぞ, とと, あまり, さぞや, いかにも, さぞかし, どうにも, まったく, それはそれは, 余る, 全い, 実に, 実際, 実際に, 現に, 誠に

Stroke Order Diagrams for さぞかし

Sample Sentences for さぞかし

What a good scholar the author must be to write such a splendid book!
She must have been a beauty when she was young.
You must be very hungry now.
Well done! Your parents must be proud of you.
If I could stay at a hotel near Akasaka and eat a delicious meal, I'd feel like a princess.

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