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Entry Details for 以て

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expression, conjunction

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English Meaning(s) for 以て

  1. with; by; by means of (usu. as をもって)
  2. because of; on account of; for; due to (usu. as をもって)
  3. on (a day, date); at (a time); as of (e.g. today) (usu. as をもって)
  4. adds emphasis to preceding word
expression, conjunction
  1. in addition (to being); moreover; as well as; and (as でもって)
  2. therefore; and so; hence

Meanings for each kanji in 以て

» by means of; because; in view of; compared with

Stroke Order Diagrams for 以て

Sample Sentences for 以て

If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace.
The speech was greeted by loud cheers.
"The castle is open from today until the 30th of March. If you don't find the key before then, that day it ends and then the key will disappear and you won't be able to come here anymore."
I propose that we should have another meeting.
The situation could only be settled by war.

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