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Definition and Synonyms for アワビ
1. |
アワビ |
真珠のような内部があり耳形の貝殻があるミミガイ属の様々な大きな食用の海洋腹足類動物のいずれか |
Abalone |
any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior |
Synonyms: |
あわび |
Categories アワビ is a member of
1. |
腹足類 |
一片のコイル状の貝殻と有柄眼のある頭部に平たい筋肉質の肢を持つ軟体動物綱 |
Gastropod |
a class of mollusks typically having a one-piece coiled shell and flattened muscular foot with a head bearing stalked eyes |
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