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Entry Details for 奇麗

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na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 奇麗

na adjective
  1. pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair
  2. clean; clear; pure; tidy; neat
  3. completely; entirely (as きれいに)

Definition and Synonyms for 奇麗

Clean free from clumsiness
Synonyms: きれい, 清潔
Better-Looking pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
Synonyms: きれい, まぶい, まばゆい, ハンサム, かっこいい, かっこよい, グッドルッキング, 格好のいい, 眩う, 端正, 素敵, 美しい, 見目良い, 見目麗しい
Lovely appealing to the emotions as well as the eye
Synonyms: きれい, いたいけ, かわいい, めんこい, , 佳麗, 可愛らしい, 可憐, 悲しい, 愛しい, 愛おしい, 愛らしい, 愛くるしい, 愛愛しい, 素敵, 美しい, 良い
Clean free from dirt or impurities
Synonyms: きれい, クリーン, 清い, 清ら, 清らか, 清潔, 潔い, 潔白, 純潔, 純粋, 蘿蔔
Nice pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance
Synonyms: いい, いい, きれい, ナイス, おいしい, かわいい, 好ましい, 心地よい, 快い, 素敵, 良い, 麗しい
Beautiful delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration
Synonyms: うらら, きれい, まぶい, あでやか, うららか, かわいい, まばゆい, ビューティフル, , 佳麗, , , 奥ゆかしい, 明媚, 眩う, 秀麗, 端麗, 素晴らしい, 絶佳, 美しい, 美的, 美美しい, 美麗, 良い, , , 艶やか, 艶美, 見事, 見目麗しい, 風光明媚, 麗しい
Pretty pleasing by delicacy or grace
Synonyms: きれい, かわいい, めんこい, 可愛らしい, 可憐, 愛らしい, 美しい
Virgin in a state of sexual virginity
Synonyms: きれい, 純潔
Pretty not imposing
Synonyms: きれい, かわいい, めんこい, 可愛らしい, 可憐, 愛らしい, 美しい
Clean precisely or deftly executed
Synonyms: きれい, 清潔
Clean or having clean habits
Synonyms: きれい, クリーン, 清い, 清ら, 清らか, 清潔, 潔い, 潔白, 純潔, 純粋, 蘿蔔

Meanings for each kanji in 奇麗

» strange; strangeness; curiosity
» lovely; beautiful; graceful; resplendent

Stroke Order Diagrams for 奇麗

Sample Sentences for 奇麗

Look. My house is cleaner than yours.
Flowers are so fragile and so beautiful, that you can't speak about them without poetry or metaphors.
That flower is beautiful, but it doesn't turn into a fruit.
She cried what a lovely garden it was.
The view from the hotel was very beautiful.

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