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English Meaning(s) for ノット

  1. knot (nautical mile per hour)

Definition and Synonyms for ノット

Articulation the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
Synonyms: ノット, 分節, 刹那, つなぎ目, , , , , , 継ぎ目, 連合
Section a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical)
Synonyms: ノット, セクション, , , , , , ,
Paragraph one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas
Synonyms: うなじ, ノット, パラグラフ, , , 段落, , , , , ,
Knot a hard cross-grained round piece of wood in a board where a branch emerged
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Burl the wood cut from a tree burl or outgrowth
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Section the area created by a plane cutting through a solid
Synonyms: ノット, 切断面, , , , ,
Occasion an opportunity to do something
Synonyms: ころ, ついで, ノット, きっかけ, 場合, , , , , , 時機, 時点, 時節, 機会, , , , , , , 頃おい
Joint junction by which parts or objects are joined together
Synonyms: ノット, ジョイント, 付け根, 合わせ目, , , , , , 継ぎ目
Burl a large rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Node any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Clause an expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence
Synonyms: ノット, クローズ, , , , ,
Canute The Great king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him
Synonyms: ノット, ノット
Burl remove the burls from cloth
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Knot soft lump or unevenness in a yarn
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Holiday a day on which work is suspended by law or custom
Synonyms: ノット, おやすみ, ドンタク, ホリデー, 休み, 休む, 休日, 休暇, 公休, 公休日, , 物日, 祝日, 祝祭日, 祭日, , , , , , 記念日
Lymph Gland the source of lymph and lymphocytes
Synonyms: ノット, 淋巴腺, , , , , , リンパ節
Sectionalization the act of dividing or partitioning
Synonyms: ノット, 事業部, 仕切り, 仕切る, 分割, 分け取り, 分け取る, 分周, 分科, 分裂, 分配, 分野, 割り算, 区処, 区分, 区分け, 区画, 師団, 歩割, , , , , , 部分, 部門, 除法, 除算
Melodic Line a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
Synonyms: くせ, くま, ノット, メロディー, 一曲, 一節, 主題, 旋律, , 曲節, 楽曲, 歌曲, , , , , , , 調べ, 調べる
Mi a unit of length used in navigation
Synonyms: ノット, ノット, マイル, ノーティカルマイル, 海里
Section a division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class
Synonyms: ノット, セクション, , , , ,
Sectionalization separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
Synonyms: ノット, 事業部, 仕切り, 仕切る, 分割, 分け取り, 分け取る, 分周, 分科, 分裂, 分配, 分野, 割り算, 区処, 区分, 区分け, 区画, 師団, 歩割, , , , , , 部分, 部門, 除法, 除算
Mi exactly 1,852 meters
Synonyms: ノット, ノット, マイル, ノーティカルマイル, 海里
Paragraph the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line
Synonyms: うなじ, ノット, パラグラフ, , , 段落, , , , , ,
Burl often used decoratively in veneer
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Knot either an imperfection or created by design
Synonyms: ノット, , , , ,
Canute The Great on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035)
Synonyms: ノット, ノット
Mi historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude
Synonyms: ノット, ノット, マイル, ノーティカルマイル, 海里

Categories ノット is a member of

Nautical Linear Unit a linear unit of distance used in navigation
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Enation a natural projection or outgrowth from a plant body or organ
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Grammatical Construction a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit
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Writing the work of a writer
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Musical Group an organization of musicians who perform together
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Chance a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances
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Music an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
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Junction something that joins or connects
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Connexion a connecting shape
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Solid Body Substance the solid parts of the body
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Expanse the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary
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Remove remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
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Lymphatic Tissue tissue making up the lymphatic system
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Day a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance
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Raggedness a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and uneven
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Separation the act of dividing or disconnecting
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Wood the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
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Stroke Order Diagrams for ノット

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