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Entry Details for 鮮やか

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na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 鮮やか

na adjective
  1. vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant
  2. skillful; skilful; adept; adroit; deft; brilliant; beautiful; fine; excellent

Definition and Synonyms for 鮮やか

Splendid having great beauty and splendor
Synonyms: きらびやか, 壮麗, 晴れ晴れしい, 立派, 素敵, 素晴らしい, 絢爛華麗, 絢爛豪華, 絶佳, 美美しい, 華やか, 華々しい, 華麗, 見事, 豪壮, 豪華, 輝かしい, 風光明媚, 鮮やか, 鮮麗
Intense (of color) having the highest saturation
Synonyms: 強烈, 鮮やか
Vivid having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience
Synonyms: ビビッド, 生々しい, 鮮やか, 鮮明, 鮮烈
Clear-Cut clear and distinct to the senses
Synonyms: さやか, クリア, シャープ, あからさま, つまびらか, 分明, 定か, 平明, 明らか, 明快, 明晰, 明白, 明瞭, 明確, 確か, 自明, 開く, 鮮やか, 鮮明
Superb of surpassing excellence
Synonyms: あっぱれ, こよない, 優秀, 出色, , 目覚ましい, 秀抜, 秀逸, 立派, 素晴らしい, 絶妙, 良い, 見事, 輝かしい, 鮮やか
Clear easily deciphered
Synonyms: さやか, クリア, シャープ, あからさま, 分明, 定か, 平明, 明らか, 明快, 明晰, 明白, 明瞭, 明確, 明解, 確か, 端的, 著明, 見やすい, 読みやすい, 開く, 鮮やか, 鮮明
Clean (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims
Synonyms: クリア, クリーン, シャープ, 明瞭, 清澄, 鮮やか, 鮮明
Masterly having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
Synonyms: すごい, 鮮やか
Clear-Cut easily perceptible
Synonyms: さやか, クリア, シャープ, あからさま, つまびらか, 分明, 定か, 平明, 明らか, 明快, 明晰, 明白, 明瞭, 明確, 確か, 自明, 開く, 鮮やか, 鮮明

Meanings for each kanji in 鮮やか

» fresh; vivid; clear; brilliant; Korea

Stroke Order Diagrams for 鮮やか

Sample Sentences for 鮮やか

The garden is bright with flowers.
The cloth was dyed bright red.
All of these photos, too, have brilliant colors and are quite good!
The moon was shining brightly.
Nothing is left so vividly in our mind as the impressions we received in our younger days.

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