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Entry Details for 断固

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taru adjective, adverb taking the to particle

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English Meaning(s) for 断固

taru adjective, adverb taking the to particle
  1. firm; determined; resolute; conclusive

Definition and Synonyms for 断固

Unwaveringly with resolute determination
Synonyms: しかと, シカト, がっしり, しっかり, カチッと, しゃっきり, 断固, 断然, 牢として, 確固
Determinedly with determination
Synonyms: 断固
Resolutely showing firm determination or purpose
Synonyms: 断固
Decisively with firmness
Synonyms: きっぱり, 敢然, 断固, 断然, 頑として
Dead Set fixed in your purpose
Synonyms: 断固
Determinedly in a determined manner
Synonyms: 断固

Meanings for each kanji in 断固

» severance; decline; refuse; apologize; warn; dismiss; prohibit; decision; judgement; cutting
» harden; set; clot; curdle

Stroke Order Diagrams for 断固

Sample Sentences for 断固

Players must adhere to the rules of the game.
I'm firmly opposed to corporal punishment.
He was so adamant in his refusal.
The devout Christian persists in his belief.
I tried hard to make them stay home, but they refused to listen to me.

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