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Alternate Written Forms:

Irregular Kanji

English Meaning(s) for 未だに

  1. still; even now; to this day (indic. surprise or annoyance)

Definition and Synonyms for 未だに

Still with reference to action or condition
Synonyms: なお, まだ, なおかつ, なおなお, やっぱし, 今なお, 今もって, 今もなお, 依然として, 居然, 未だに, 相も変わらず
Still without change, interruption, or cessation
Synonyms: なお, まだ, なおかつ, なおなお, やっぱし, 今なお, 今もって, 今もなお, 依然として, 居然, 未だに, 相も変わらず

Meanings for each kanji in 未だに

» un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 1-3PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac

Stroke Order Diagrams for 未だに

Sample Sentences for 未だに

Rick and Carol broke up two months ago, but he's still carrying a torch for her.
How he escaped still puzzles us.
The business was so successful that he is still well off now.
Why he killed himself is still a mystery.
Junko still depends on her parents for her living expenses.

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