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Entry Details for 貪汚

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English Meaning(s) for 貪汚

  1. greed; corruption

Definition and Synonyms for 貪汚

Putridness in a state of progressive putrefaction
Synonyms: 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白
Degeneracy moral perversion
Synonyms: 不徳, 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 自堕落, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 退廃, 黄白
Corruptness lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery)
Synonyms: 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白
Corruption decay of matter (as by rot or oxidation)
Synonyms: 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白
Subversion destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty
Synonyms: 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白
Greed reprehensible acquisitiveness
Synonyms: あこぎ, 利欲, 多欲, 大欲, 強欲, 意地汚ない, 業突く張り, 欲張り, 欲張る, 欲深, 欲深い, 貪婪, 貪欲, 貪汚
Subversion undermining moral integrity
Synonyms: 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白
Corruptness use of a position of trust for dishonest gain
Synonyms: 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白
Greed insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
Synonyms: あこぎ, 利欲, 多欲, 大欲, 強欲, 意地汚ない, 業突く張り, 欲張り, 欲張る, 欲深, 欲深い, 貪婪, 貪欲, 貪汚
Degeneracy impairment of virtue and moral principles
Synonyms: 不徳, 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 自堕落, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 退廃, 黄白

Meanings for each kanji in 貪汚

» covet; indulge in
» dirty; pollute; disgrace; rape; defile

Categories 貪汚 is a member of

Debasement changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
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Deadly Sin an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace
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Immorality the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct
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Dishonesty the quality of being dishonest
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Decay the process of gradually becoming inferior
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Putrefaction a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odor
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 貪汚

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