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He's a good kid - very quick on the uptake and he does whatever needs to be done.
Romaji Hide

Vocabulary list

  1. he; him
  1. boyfriend
  1. topic marker particle (pronounced わ in modern Japanese)
  2. indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
  3. adds emphasis
  1. that's good; that's nice
expression, noun, suru verb
  1. like (on social media)
i adjective (yoi/ii)
  1. good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable (also written 良い, 好い and 善い)
  2. sufficient; enough; ready; prepared
  3. profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
  4. OK; all right; fine; no problem (as て(も)いい, と(も)いい, etc.; indicates permission or compromise)
  1. right?; don't you think (at sentence end; indicates emphasis, agreement, request for confirmation, etc.)
  1. hey; come on; listen
expression, godan verb
  1. to be responsive; to show immediate results (often as 打てば響くような)

Provisional Present Indicative Form

godan verb, transitive verb
  1. to hit; to strike; to knock; to beat; to punch; to slap; to tap; to bang; to clap; to pound (also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ)
  2. to strike (noon, etc.); to sound (cymbals, etc.); to beat (a drum, etc.)
  3. to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.)
  4. to move; to impress; to touch
  5. to drive in; to hammer in; to put in; to inject; to vaccinate
  6. to type; to send; to transmit
  7. to insert; to write in; to mark
  8. to make (noodles, etc.); to prepare
  9. to till (soil)
  10. to sprinkle; to throw; to cast
  11. to do; to carry out; to play; to perform; to engage in (gambling, etc.)
  12. to pay (a deposit, etc.)
  13. to visit (on a pilgrimage)
  14. to line (a coat)
  15. to bind (a criminal)
godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to resound; to be heard far away
  2. to reverberate; to shake; to vibrate
  3. to come (home); to remain (with someone)
  4. to have an effect; to make an impression
  1. in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as)
  2. hoping or wishing for something
noun, used as a suffix, noun
  1. appearing ...; looking ... (usu. after the -masu stem of a verb)
  2. way to ...; method of (usu. after the -masu stem of a verb)
  3. form; style; design (usu. after a noun)
  4. like; similar to (usu. after a noun)
  1. thing (thought or spoken)
  1. at (place, time); in; on; during
  2. to (direction, state); toward; into
  3. for (purpose)
  4. because of (reason); for; with
  5. by; from
  6. as (i.e. in the role of)
  7. per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month")
  8. and; in addition to
  9. if; although
adverb, noun
  1. immediately; at once; right away; directly
  2. soon; before long; shortly
  3. easily; readily; without difficulty
  4. right (near); nearby; just (handy)
na adjective
  1. honest; upright; frank; straightforward


godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing
  2. to operate; to run; to go; to work
  3. to make a move; to take action; to act; to go into action
  4. to be touched; to be influenced
  5. to change; to vary; to fluctuate; to waver (sometimes prenom. as 動かぬ, 動かない, etc. to mean "certain")
  6. to be transferred
Suffix after the te form of a verb
auxiliary verb, ichidan verb
  1. to do for one; to take the trouble to do (after the -te form of a verb)
  2. to do to someone's disadvantage (after the -te form of a verb)
  1. hey; you (at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.)
  2. hey (after a noun; used when calling out to someone)
  3. hey; hold on (in mid-sentence; used to catch one's breath or get someone's attention)
  1. yo; hey

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