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The last election was such a hot contest that several ex-ministers lost.
Romaji Hide

Vocabulary list

noun, adverb
  1. this time; now
  1. indicates possessive (occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之)
  2. nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
  4. (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion (often ん)
  5. (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. election
  1. topic marker particle (pronounced わ in modern Japanese)
  2. indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
  3. adds emphasis
noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. fierce battle; hard-fought battle; hot contest; severe fight
  1. at; in (indicates location of action; にて is the formal literary form)
  2. at; when (indicates time of action)
  3. by; with (indicates means of action)
  1. and then; so
  1. and; then (indicates continuing action; alternative form of 〜て used for some verb types)
  1. let me tell you; don't you know (at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.)
no adjective, noun, used as a prefix
  1. former; ex-; past; one-time
noun, no adjective
  1. earlier times; the past; previous state
noun, adverb
  1. formerly; previously; originally; before
  1. cabinet minister
  1. indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
  2. indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
  1. but; however; still; and
  2. regardless of; whether (or not) (after the volitional form of a verb)
  1. (no matter) who; everyone; anyone
  2. nobody (with neg. verb)
  1. how many people; a number of people
  1. what
  1. how many (followed by a counter)
  2. many; a lot of (followed by (optional number), counter and も)
  3. several; a few; some (followed by a counter and か)
  1. man; person
  2. human being; mankind; people
  3. human (Homo sapiens); humans as a species
  4. character; personality
  5. man of talent; true man
  6. another person; other people; others
  7. adult
  1. too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence)
  2. both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence) (as AもBも)
  3. even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than (used for emphasis or to express absence of doubt regarding a quantity, etc.)
  4. even if; even though; although; in spite of (often as 〜ても, 〜でも, 〜とも, etc.)
  1. further; more; again; another; the other

Plain Past Indicative Form

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money) (occ. 堕ちる for depravity and 墜ちる for a crash)
  2. to be omitted; to be missing
  3. to decrease; to sink
  4. to fail (e.g. exam or class); to lose (contest, election, etc.)
  5. to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind
  6. to become indecent (of a conversation)
  7. to be ruined; to go under
  8. to fade; to come out (e.g. a stain); to come off (e.g. makeup); to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list)
  9. to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession
  10. to fall (into a trap); to fall (for a trick)
  11. to give in; to give up; to confess; to flee
  12. to fall; to be defeated; to surrender
  13. to come to (in the end); to end in
  14. to fall (in love, asleep, etc.)
  15. to swoon (judo)
  16. to consent; to understand
  17. to go down (of a website, server, etc.); to crash
  18. to log out (of an online game, chat room, etc.); to drop out; to leave; to go offline
  19. to die (of animals)
  20. to move to the depths (of fish when it gets cold)
  21. to go down (of a website, server, etc.)

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