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She has a very enviable position.
She was envious of her cousin's success.
They envy you your beauty.
He was envious of his friend's promotion.
He was envious of her way of living.
In later years, I confess that I do not envy the white boy as I once did.
I was envious of the students who had studied abroad.
I am envious of his success.
I envy him his luck.
I envy him.
I was envious of the students who had studied abroad.
I envy you your beauty.
I envy you your success.
Is it true that your family will travel in Hokkaido? I envy you.
Your success excites my envy.
I envy you your luck.
I envy your good health.
John is envious of your new car.
Don't look at her enviously.

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