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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E5%258E%259A%25E3%2581%258B%25E3%2581%25BE%25E3%2581%2597]

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He had the boldness to ignore the teacher's advice.
He had the cheek to ask me to help him.
He had the boldness to ignore my advice.
He had the nerve to ask me to marry him.
He had the nerve to take my car without asking.
He had the nerve to take my car without asking.
His personality is marked by forwardness.
I've had quite enough of his impudence.
We mustn't give way to these impudent demands.
He had the face to tell me to clear off.
I am amazed at your audacity.
It is impudent of him to say so.
You were served sukiyaki for dinner, then spent the night and had breakfast. Don't you think you were imposing?
He had the impudence to cut across our garden.
The impudent child extended her legs across my lap.

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