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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E9%AB%98%E3%81%84]

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Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive.
It's too expensive!
The price is too high.
It is too expensive.
Why are '0.3' pencil leads so expensive?
I like to have a deep conversation with a more academic person from time to time.
"Might be a bit stiff..." "Stiff?" "I mean the viscosity is too high."
The rate of increase in households is higher for apartment houses than for individual houses.
Keiko isn't as tall as I.
It is a two level style round burial mound, 23m diameter (lower level), 18m (higher).
MPEC-4 AVC recording practical test: It was always easy to use, now the picture and sound quality is high too.
Obstetricians also bear a high risk of suits.
You can adjust the seat height by moving the adjustment lever up.
There's the chance to get a huge income in this business, a million yen a month is possible!
"I rather like heights. You know, in my last life I must have been ... an aeroplane?" "Usually that would be 'bird' there."
You've both been very impressive today. I'm proud of you.
Your division was highly praised for fighting well in the midst of a hopeless conflict.
I am still clumsy catching batons thrown high up.
"Well, even so my score is far above yours isn't it?" "What did you say!? If I was to go all out you'd be as nothing to me!"
That's no good! You're tall so you've got to be in the forward defence.

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