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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E5%25A5%25B3%25E7%258E%258B]

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The queen was gracious enough to invite us.
The queen was wearing a magnificent silver dress.
The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.
The part of the queen does not suit her.
An exhibition was given in anticipation of the Queen's visit.
They named the ship Queen Mary after the Queen.
We were waiting for a sight of the Queen.
I remember I saw the queen.
I remember meeting the queen.
I remember that I met the queen.
I intend seeing the queen.
There was a time when kings and queens reigned over the world.
Elizabeth, Queen of England.
The queen reigns, but does not rule in England.
One minute earlier, and we could have seen the Queen.
Queen Victoria was the sovereign of Great Britain.
The rose is called the queen of flowers.
It was given to me by the Queen herself.
That is what the British people expect of their Queen.
That is what the British people expect of their Queen.

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