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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E4%25B8%258A%25E6%2589%258B]

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He knew how to put his ideas across.
He knows how to make good use of his time.
He speaks English better than I do.
He is better able to teach than I am.
He speaks English better than I do.
He plays basketball best of us all.
He is good at dealing with children.
He is expert at figures.
He can sing better than any of us.
His singing is very good, but he plays the guitar just as well.
He is good at singing.
What a good swimmer he is!
What a good speaker of Japanese he is!
He is a good speaker of English.
He is a very good speaker of English.
He can speak both English and French very well.
He expressed himself very well in English.
He is a good swimmer.
He is good at driving.
He is very good at poker.

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