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I was astounded by the news that Mary won the first prize.
I was surprised by the news that Mary had won the first prize.
I have wonderful news for all of you.
It was not long before we heard the news.
Marcy burst into tears on hearing the news, but soon pulled herself together.
Bob brought such good news that they jumped up with joy.
Betty seemed surprised at the news.
The chances are that he has not heard the news yet.
Tom was flying high after he heard the news.
I was having a very good time, when the sad news came.
Terry was very pleased with the news.
Chances are that he has not heard the news yet.
Doubtless you have heard the news.
That's good news to me.
The good news cheered me up.
The good news brought tears to her eyes.
She could not but cry at the sad news.
It is up to me to tell the sad news to her.
If he should hear the news, he would be shocked.
He jumped to his feet the moment he heard the news.

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