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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E7%259F%25A5%25E3%2582%2589%25E3%2581%259B]

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She was very surprised at the news.
She was beside herself with grief at the news of her son's accident.
She was filled with grief at the news of her sister's death.
She was sorry to hear the bad news.
She came with good news.
She rushed home with the good news.
She was overwhelmed by the sad news.
She burst out crying with joy when she heard the news.
The news distressed her.
She burst into tears to hear the news.
Upon hearing the news, she burst out crying.
She turned pale at the news.
She turned pale at the news.
She turned pale at the news.
She pushed the panic button when she heard the news.
She panicked when she heard the news.
She broke down when she heard the news.
When she heard the news, she broke down crying.
Upon hearing the news, she broke down crying.
She felt like crying at the news.

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