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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E7%259F%25A5%25E3%2582%2589%25E3%2581%259B]

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She wept at the news.
She cried when she heard the news.
She was beside herself with joy at the news.
She burst into tears at the news.
She was not at all upset by the news.
She did nothing but weep at the news.
She did nothing but weep at the news.
She looked frightened at the news.
Hearing the news, she cried her heart out.
When she heard the news, she burst into tears.
She went mad with delight to hear the news.
As soon as she heard the news, she burst into tears.
She carried the news to me.
She gasped out the news.
She was encouraged by the news.
She was dismayed at the news.
She was not a little surprised at the news.
She was struck dumb at the news.
She looked troubled by the news.
She blanched at the bad news.

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