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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E7%259F%25A5%25E3%2582%2589%25E3%2581%259B]

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He was amazed at the news.
He was surprised at the news.
He was surprised by the news.
He heard the news calmly.
He was deeply agitated by the news.
He was very much disappointed at the news.
He changed his countenance at the news.
He looked grave when told the bad news.
He's on top of the world after hearing the good news.
He was glad at about the good news.
He could not help jumping for joy at the good news.
The news of his arrival added to our excitement.
The news of his son's death was a great shock.
The news of his son's death was a great shock.
The news of his death reached as a bolt from the blue.
He had some urgent news to tell me.
When I told him I had some good news for him, he was all ears.
The news of his safe arrival delighted his family.
His family was glad to hear that he had arrived safely.
The news that he had got injured was a shock to her.

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