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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E6%2597%25A5%25E6%259B%259C%25E6%2597%25A5]

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On Sundays, we would get up early and go fishing.
Would you like to play tennis on Sunday?
Why don't we play tennis on Sunday?
I'll call on you on Sunday.
On Sunday, I play tennis with Emi.
It being Sunday, we have no classes today.
Is it open on Sunday?
It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning.
It being Sunday, the shop was closed.
Since it was Sunday, the store was closed.
It being Sunday, the park was crowded.
It being Sunday, I didn't get up early.
It being Sunday, the shops were not open.
It being Sunday, the supermarket was very crowded.
It's Sunday. He can't have gone to school.
Sunday is the first day of the week.
It has been raining since Sunday.
Is Sunday the first day of the week?
Saturday comes before Sunday.
Sunday follows Saturday.

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