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Umbrellas sell well.
We sell sugar by the pound.
We have closed out this year's model.
Butter is sold by the pound in the USA.
In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States.
Don't get taken in by their advertising; I don't see how they can sell something like that for that price.
I afterward sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton's Historical Collections.
Later, I sold them and I was able to buy R. Burton's Historical Collections.
The old television set went for 10 dollars.
I will sell the boat in accordance with your orders.
Shoes are sold in pairs.
We decided to branch out into selling some foodstuffs.
You're not just peddling stuff!
They sell fish and meat.
You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.
Hans sold the patent to a company.
Where can I go to buy art books and catalogues?
Where can I go to buy art books and catalogs?
The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.
Investing money in your home has some merit; when it is time to sell it you can get more money.

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