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As many men as came were caught.
She was captured trying to steal jewelry.
He caught them stealing apples.
He had scarcely escaped when he was recaptured.
He was caught for speeding.
The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to prison.
The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to prison.
The prisoner who escaped is still at large.
The thief is certain to be caught eventually.
The thief was arrested red-handed.
The escaped prisoner is still at large.
The escaped prisoner hasn't been caught yet.
Is there a law here about jaywalking?
Hold the handrail.
The murderer hasn't been arrested yet.
The imposter was caught.
Is there any risk of being caught by the police?
Hold on to the rope.
The child who was caught stealing apples bravely faced the music in accepting his punishment.
It's a fair cop.

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