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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E5%25BF%2598%25E3%2582%258C%25E3%2582%258B]

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I don't know how to make friends anymore.
I've forgotten how to make friends.
The more I try to forget about my ex, the more I think about him.
The more I try to forget about my ex-boyfriend, the more I think about him.
I forgot I was in Australia.
I forgot my telephone number.
Don't forget your student ID.
I forgot to turn off the gas!
Bob was beside himself with joy.
It may seem like Tom has forgotten all about the matter, but deep down inside, he's still torn up about it.
I keep busy as much as possible so that I can forget about him.
I keep busy as much as possible in order to forget about him.
It did not mean she had also forgotten her witch's training. Even now Mai is endeavouring to quietly do everything as much as possible until completion for the things she has decided to do.

3 二つ以上あるもののうちの一つをとりあげてさす語。「黒い方が好きだ」「もっと味を濃くした方がいい」「こちらの方が悪かった」
Forget about bad things and let's enjoy.
I remembered a second ago, but I've already forgotten.
I had forgotten that I had homework.

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