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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E5%25BF%2598%25E3%2582%258C%25E3%2582%258B]

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I left my key in my room.
I've locked myself out of the room.
I'll never forget seeing her on the stage.
You should try to forget your unhappy past.
Scarcely had I reached the airport before I realized I had forgotten my ticket.
Forget your sorrows.
Forget the sad affair.
I forget sad things when I fall asleep.
She was beside herself with joy when she met the famous singer.
She was beside herself with joy when she met the famous singer.
She must have forgotten the promise.
She cursed him for forgetting his promise.
She is beside herself with rage.
She forgot to mail the letter.
She had forgotten her umbrella so I lent her mine.
She appeared to have forgotten my name.
She has forgotten seeing me before.
She had her first love in her memory until she died.
She may have left her umbrella on the bus.
She was beside herself with anger after the argument.

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