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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E5%25BF%2598%25E3%2582%258C%25E3%2582%258B]

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She forgot to feed her dog.
She was beside herself with rage.
She is beside herself with joy.
She was careless enough to leave her bag in the bus.
She must have forgotten all about the promise.
She tends to get carried away when arguing about that matter.
She will not forget listening to the sad tune.
She was beside herself with joy at the news.
She never lets you forget her clean-cut image.
She was beside herself with joy.
She never forgets to admire our baby.
She is always forgetting my phone number.
Remember to admire her new dress.
I'll never forget seeing her.
You must remember the fact that you owe her a lot.
She cannot have forgotten my address.
It is not rare that she leaves her umbrella behind.
They forgot to lock the door.
They were so busy they didn't realize what time it was.
They were quite beside themselves with joy.

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