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I want a refund.
They like variety; they don't like to stay in just one place.
They want change. They hate staying in one place.
I want change. I hate being in one place for too long.
My father wants an efficient assistant to help him.
Born in a poor family, he is anxious for wealth.
She tried to get whatever she wanted.
She succeeded in getting what she wanted.
She begged him not to go there.
She tried to get a tent at the shop, but she could not find the one she wanted.
She needs someone to turn to for advice.
She wants someone she can turn to for advice.
She wants a new dress badly.
She tried to get a tent, but she couldn't find the one she wanted.
She wanted a piece of cake, but there was none left.
She will give her picture to whoever wants it.
I can't figure out what she really wants.
I wish she wouldn't pussyfoot about it and just say what she means.
Ask her how much soup she wants.
The coat she wanted was eye-poppingly expensive.

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