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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E6%25AC%25B2%25E3%2581%2597%25E3%2581%258F%25E3%2581%25A6]

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I want him to sing a song.
It is not so much money as fame that he wanted.
I can't figure out what he really wants.
I could read between the lines that he wanted me to resign.
I don't want meat.
I'd like a coat with the wooly side in, please.
I need a good pair of sunglasses.
The mountaineer craved fresh water.
I have long wanted that car.
This is just what I wanted.
That is just what I wanted.
It's just what I wanted.
It's exactly what I wanted.
If you want a man to propose marriage, feed him well.
In short, I don't want you to work for that company.
I'll give this apple to whoever wants it.
Give it to whoever wants it.
He wanted female companionship.
I want to charter a bus.
The more you have, the more you want.

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