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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E5%8F%B8%E7%A5%AD]

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The priest gave me his blessing.
Since he was dressed in black, he looked like a priest.
The priest pronounced them man and wife.
The priest pronounced them man and wife.
The priest blessed the newly built church.
The priest blessed the marriage of the happy couple.
The priest blessed the congregation.
The priest blessed us.
The priest blessed the congregation at the end of the mass.
The priest blessed the marriage of the two.
The priest pretends to be solemn in public.
The priest took the sick man's place.
"God is our salvation," said the priest.
I heard that a gay priest had been promoted to the rank of bishop, but it turned out to be a fabrication.
The priest tried to improve the people's morals.

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