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Stroke Order Diagram for 生

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na adjective, no adjective, noun, noun, used as a prefix

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English Meaning(s) for 生

na adjective, no adjective, noun
  1. innocent; naive; unsophisticated; inexperienced; green; wet behind the ears (esp. 初, 初心)
noun, used as a prefix
  1. birth- (産, 生)

Definition and Synonyms for 生

Delivery the act of delivering a child
Synonyms: うぶ, 出産, 分娩, , お産
Creative Activity the human act of creating
Synonyms: うぶ, クリエイション, 制作, 制定, 創作, 創出, 創案, 創生, 創製, 創造, 建設, 独創, 生み, 生む, 生成, 生成り, , 発明, 結成, 設定, 設立, 設置, 造成
Production the act or process of producing something
Synonyms: うぶ, プロダクション, , 出産, 制作, 工作, 生み, 生む, 生成, 生成り, 生産, 生産, , 産出, 製作, 製造
Yield production of a certain amount
Synonyms: うぶ, 生産, 生産, , 産出
Inexperienced lacking practical experience or training
Synonyms: うぶ, 不慣れ, 初い, 初心, 半可, 未熟, 生熟れ, 若い
Opening first or beginning
Synonyms: うぶ, , 初い, 初め
First preceding all others in time or space or degree
Synonyms: うぶ, , 初い, 初め, 第一
Immature characteristic of a lack of maturity
Synonyms: うぶ, 乳臭い, 初い, 初心, 幼い, 幼稚, 未成熟, 未熟, 未練, 生煮え, 生熟れ, 稚拙, 若い, 青臭い
Give give or supply
Synonyms: うぶ, 作る, 作り出す, 作成, 生む, 生じる, 生ずる, 生成, 生成り, , 産する, 産出, 産生
Tabula Rasa a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)
Synonyms: うぶ, 無垢
New not of long duration
Synonyms: うぶ, さら, 事新しい, , 初い, 初め, 斬新, , 新た, 新しい, 新奇, 新式, 新規, 新鮮, 清新, 目新しい, 真新しい, 耳新しい
Gullible naive and easily deceived or tricked
Synonyms: うぶ, 乳臭い, 初い, 初心, 未熟, 青い
Ingenuous lacking in sophistication or worldliness
Synonyms: うぶ, おぼこ, おぼこい, ナイーブ, たわいない, イノセント, , 初い, 初め, 初々しい, 初心, 天真, 天真爛漫, 天衣無縫, 清い, 無心, 無邪気, , 純情, 純潔, 純真
Life the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones
Synonyms: うぶ, なまり, ライフ, , , , 御言, , , , , , 生命
Birth the process of giving birth
Synonyms: うぶ, バース, 出産, 分娩, 生み, 生む, , お産
Filiation the kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors
Synonyms: うぶ, なる, なまり, 出自, 家柄, 家筋, 家系, , 毛並み, 氏素性, , , , , , 生む, 生まれ, 生まれる, 系統, 系譜, 素性, 血筋, 血統, 血脈, 身元, , 門地, 門閥,
Fledgling young and inexperienced
Synonyms: うぶ, 未熟, 未経験
Naive marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
Synonyms: うぶ, ナイーブ, すれてない, 淳朴
New having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
Synonyms: うぶ, さら, 事新しい, , 初い, 初め, 斬新, , 新た, 新しい, 新奇, 新式, 新規, 新鮮, 清新, 目新しい, 真新しい, 耳新しい

Meanings for each kanji in 生

» life; genuine; birth

Categories 生 is a member of

Human Action something that people do or cause to happen
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Activity any specific behavior
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Production manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale
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Make create or manufacture a man-made product
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Organic Phenomenon a natural phenomenon involving living plants and animals
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Kinship relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption
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Biological Process a process occurring in living organisms
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Brain that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 生

Sample Sentences for 生

Life is hard, death is cheap.
Can you eat raw oysters?
I ate a fresh lemon for the vitamin C.
Just because it's a "safe day" I'm not going to make out like monkeys without protection. Isn't it the duty of loving sex to take proper care of contraception?
The sensitivity certainly drops if I use a condom, so if possible I'd like to do it bareback.

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