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Stroke Order Diagram for 停止

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noun, suru verb

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English Meaning(s) for 停止

noun, suru verb
  1. stoppage; coming to a stop; halt; standstill
  2. ceasing (movement, activity, etc.); suspension (of operations); interruption (e.g. of electricity supply); cutting off
  3. suspension (of payment, licence, etc.); (temporary) prohibition; ban
  4. suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person

Definition and Synonyms for 停止

Suspension a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
Synonyms: タイム, ポーズ, おやすみ, ブレイク, 一休み, 一息, 一時停止, 一段落, 中休み, 中入り, 中断, 中止, 中絶, 休み, 休む, 休止, 停会, 停止, 切れ間, 幕の内, 幕間, 晴れ間, 杜絶, 狭間, 絶え間, 途切れ, 途切れる, 途絶え, 途絶える, , , , , 間断
Break cease an action temporarily
Synonyms: 一時停止, 一段落, 中断, 休む, 休息, 休憩, 休止, 停止, 息抜き, 途切らす, 途切れる, 途切らせる
Break prevent completion
Synonyms: よす, やめる, ストップ, 中断, 中止, 中絶, 休止, 停止, 切る, 切り上げる, 取り止める, 差し止める, 打ち切る, 断つ, 断ち切る, 止す, 止む, 止める, 留める, 裁つ, 解消
Discontinuance the act of discontinuing or breaking off
Synonyms: とどめ, やめる, 中断, 中止, 中絶, 停止, 打ち切り, 打ち切る, 止む, 止め, 止める, 留め, 留める
Freeze an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement
Synonyms: フリーズ, 休止, 停止, 停留, 停車, 凍結, 杜絶
Stop the act of stopping something
Synonyms: とどめ, やめる, ストップ, ブレーキ, 中止, 中絶, 休止, 停止, 制止, 打ち切り, 打ち切る, 止む, 止め, 止める, 留め, 留める, 阻止
Stop cause to stop
Synonyms: やめる, ストップ, 停止, 止む, 止める, 留める
Arrest cause to stop
Synonyms: やめる, 停止, 止む, 止める, 留める
Halt come to a halt, stop moving
Synonyms: とどまる, ストップ, 一時停止, 休止, 停止, 停留, 停車, 底止, 止まる, 止まる, 立ち止まる
Block stop from happening or developing
Synonyms: やめる, ストップ, ブロック, ブロック, 中止, 停止, 取り止める, 差し止める, 打ち切る, 止む, 止める, 留める, 防止, 防遏, 阻止, 食い止める
Lay Off put an end to a state or an activity
Synonyms: おく, ひる, よす, しまう, やめる, ストップ, 中止, 停止, 取り止める, 廃す, 廃する, 打ち切り, 打ち切る, 措く, 放る, 放る, 放る, 断つ, 止す, 止む, 止める, 留める, 終える
Stop Consonant a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it
Synonyms: 停止, 破裂音
Stop the event of something ending
Synonyms: ストップ, 中止, 休止, 停止, 停車, 終止
Standstill an interruption of normal activity
Synonyms: 停止, 立ち往生, 行き詰まり, 行き詰まる
Outage a temporary suspension of operation (as of computers)
Synonyms: 停止
Stop the state of inactivity following an interruption
Synonyms: 一時停止, 休止, 停止
Discontinuance an interruption (temporary or permanent)
Synonyms: とどめ, やめる, 中断, 中止, 中絶, 停止, 打ち切り, 打ち切る, 止む, 止め, 止める, 留め, 留める

Meanings for each kanji in 停止

» halt; stopping
» stop; halt

Categories 停止 is a member of

Human Action something that people do or cause to happen
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Termination the act of ending something
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End bring to an end or halt
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Cut Off make a break in
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Pause temporary inactivity
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Stop cause to stop
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Forestall keep from happening or arising
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Obstruent a consonant that is produced with a partial or complete blockage of the airflow from the lungs through the nose or mouth
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Finish event whose occurrence ends something
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Stop the event of something ending
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Equipment Failure a cessation of normal operation
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Inaction the state of being inactive
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Time Interval a definite length of time marked off by two instants
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 停止

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