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Stroke Order Diagram for かわほり

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noun, outdated reading

Alternate Written Forms:

Outdated Reading
Outdated Reading
Outdated Reading

English Meaning(s) for かわほり

  1. bat (Chiroptera spp.)
  2. umbrella
  3. opportunist; turncoat

Definition and Synonyms for かわほり

Chiropteran nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membranous wings and anatomical adaptations for echolocation by which they navigate
Synonyms: こうもり, 蚊食鳥
Umbrella a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy
Synonyms: こうもり, アンブレラ, , こうもり傘, から傘, 洋傘, 蛇の目, 雨がさ

Categories かわほり is a member of

Placental mammals having a placenta
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Canopy a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather
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Stroke Order Diagrams for かわほり

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