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Definition and Synonyms for 弓
1. | 弓 | 弦楽器を演奏する際に使われる馬の毛をぴんと張ったカーブした木片のストローク |
Bow | a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments | |
Synonyms: | 弓, 弓, 弓 | |
2. | 弓 | ピンと張った馬の毛のようなよりひものある緩やかに曲がっている弾力性のある木の一片 |
Bow | a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands | |
Synonyms: | ボー, ボー, ボーゲン, 弓, 弓, 弓 | |
3. | 弓 | 矢を射るための攻撃の集団で、湾曲した弾力のある木片に、矢を前に飛ばすひもがピンと張ってある |
Bow | a weapon for shooting arrows, composed of a curved piece of resilient wood with a taut cord to propel the arrow | |
Synonyms: | ボー, ボー, 弓, 弓, 弓, 洋弓 | |
4. | 弓 | しばしば角膜に見られる弓状の白っぽい沈澱物 |
Arcus Senilis | a whitish deposit in the shape of an arc that is sometimes seen in the cornea | |
Synonyms: | 弓, 弓, 弓 | |
5. | 弓 | 形の曲がったもの |
Arc | something curved in shape | |
Synonyms: | アーク, 弓, 弓, 弓 | |
6. | 弓 | ある種の弦楽器を演奏するときに用いる |
Bow | used in playing certain stringed instruments | |
Synonyms: | ボー, ボー, ボーゲン, 弓, 弓, 弓 |
Meanings for each kanji in 弓
» | 弓 | bow; bow (archery, violin) |
Categories 弓 is a member of
1. | ストローク | 1回の完全な動き |
Stroke | a single complete movement | |
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2. | 棒 | 長い木材でできた道具 |
Stick | an implement consisting of a length of wood | |
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3. | 軍器 | 戦いまたは狩猟に使われる機材または道具 |
Weapon | any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting | |
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4. | 角膜 | 目の外側を覆う透明でドーム型の前方にある部分 |
Cornea | the transparent dome-shaped anterior portion of the outer covering of the eye | |
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5. | 曲がり | 運動方向が変化する点の形跡 |
Curve | the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes | |
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Sample Sentences for 弓
He tried to draw the bow with all his strengths and shoot an arrow distantly.
By the age of seven, he had already made his own bow and arrows.
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