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Stroke Order Diagram for 圖解

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noun, suru verb, no adjective, outdated kanji

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English Meaning(s) for 圖解

noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. schematic; schema; illustration; explanatory diagram

Definition and Synonyms for 圖解

Illustrate clarify by giving an example of
Synonyms: 例示, 例解, 例証, 例説, 図示, 図解, 図説, 絵解き
Illustrate depict with an illustration
Synonyms: 例示, 例解, 例証, 例説, 図示, 図解, 図説
Diagram make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows interactions among variables or how something is constructed
Synonyms: 図示, 図解, 図説
Diagram a drawing intended to explain how something works
Synonyms: , 図式, 図形, 図表, 図解, 図説, 図面, 絵図
Outline a schematic or preliminary plan
Synonyms: ほぼ, あらすじ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, だいたい, シェーマ, スキーマ, スキーム, レジュメ, アウトライン, 一通り, , 図式, 図表, 図解, 大意, 大概, 大略, 大筋, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 梗概, 概略, 概要, 概説, 概論, 模式図, , 略叙, 略図, 略筆, 略記, 略説, 略述, 筋書き, 素描, 素書き, 綱領, 総説, 総論, 要図, 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要覧, 要説, 輪郭
Schema an internal representation of the world
Synonyms: シェーマ, スキーマ, スキーム, , 図式, 図表, 図解, 構図, 模式図
Illustration a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand
Synonyms: カット, イラスト, ピクチャー, イラストレーション, , 図形, 図版, 図解, 図説, 図面, 挿図, 挿画, 挿絵, 映像, , 画像, , 絵図
Diagram a drawing showing the relation between the parts
Synonyms: , 図式, 図形, 図表, 図解, 図説, 図面, 絵図
Schema an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world
Synonyms: シェーマ, スキーマ, スキーム, , 図式, 図表, 図解, 構図, 模式図

Meanings for each kanji in 圖解

» drawing; plan
» unravel; notes; key; explanation; understanding; untie; undo; solve; answer; cancel; absolve; explain; minute

Categories 圖解 is a member of

Expatiate add details, as to an account or idea
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Show show in, or as in, a picture
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Draw represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface
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Drawing a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines
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Program a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished
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Mental Representation a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
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Representation a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 圖解

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