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Stroke Order Diagram for 一風変わった

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noun or verb acting prenominally

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Root Words:

[いっ()·ぷう() + ()···]
ippuu + kawatta

English Meaning(s) for 一風変わった

noun or verb acting prenominally
  1. eccentric; queer; unconventional; peculiar; original

Definition and Synonyms for 一風変わった

Unconventional not conforming to accepted rules or standards
Synonyms: 一風変わった, 型破り, 奇抜, 奇警
Off-The-Wall conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Synonyms: けったい, エキセントリック, 一風変わった, , , 奇奇怪怪, 奇怪, 奇怪千万, 奇抜, 奇異, 奇矯, , 怪奇, 珍妙, 異常, 突飛, 風変わり
Original being or productive of something fresh and unusual
Synonyms: オリジナル, 一風変わった, 個性的, 奇抜, 奇警, 斬新, 新奇, 独創的, 独特, 独自, 目新しい
Original or being as first made or thought of
Synonyms: オリジナル, 一風変わった, 個性的, 奇抜, 奇警, 斬新, 新奇, 独創的, 独特, 独自, 目新しい

Meanings for each kanji in 一風変わった

» one; one radical (no.1)
» wind; air; style; manner
» unusual; change; strange

Stroke Order Diagrams for 一風変わった

Sample Sentences for 一風変わった

That car salesman was a pretty off the wall kind of guy.
Prof. Smith is famous for his eccentric life style.

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